Using Paycom to Manage Your Team
This is the universal system for managing employee training, performance, and discipline. Knowing how to use Paycom effectively can streamline your management of your team.
Assigned Trainings
The best way to ensure your team is on top of their assigned trainings is by checking Paycom periodically.
How to check an employee’s completed trainings:
- Go to Paycom (the manager gateway).
- Click on Talent Management.
- Click on Paycom Learning > Course Status Dashboard.
- To see Past Due or Incomplete trainings, click View Details.
Remember, our healthcare licensure requires Arbor Acres employees to complete all assigned trainings.
Recording Disciplinary Action
All performance discussions (including the annual performance reviews and standalone incidents) should be recorded in Paycom.
- Go to Talent Management > Performance Discussion Forms > Begin Performance Discussions.
- Select the employee and complete required fields.
- Click Submit to Approver and Email. Your review will be sent to your Talent Arts Manager for approval.
- Once your review is approved, go to Manage Performance Discussions and click the employee’s name to pull it up again.
- Schedule a one-on-one with the employee to go over the review.
- When you have finished your conversation, while your employee is with you, click Approve > Forward.
- Have your employee sign off on the review while with you. (“Signing off” on the review is simply the employee acknowledging that you have had a conversation about your submitted review. It is not an acknowledgment that they necessarily agree with your review.)
- Pop-up: Acknowledge/confirm, goes to HR for comment review.
Annual Performance Reviews
Each spring, the performance reviews process always has three phases:
- The employee’s self-evaluations on Paycom,
- The manager’s evaluation of the employee on Paycom, and
- The in-person reviews between employee & manager.
In the spring, instructions are distributed to managers with specific dates and deadlines.
Here are some tips for the next review season:
- Performance reviews should never “unearth” a new problem with an employee’s performance. Issues need to be addressed directly with the employee, throughout the year, as they happen.
- If your employee is excelling in a particular area, make sure to take note so you can mention it at their performance review.
- Topics that may not be discussed in a performance review include:
- FMLA (Family & Medical Leave)
- Workers compensation cases
- Safety complaints
- Other grievances/protected rights