Creating a Job Requisition in Paycom

When an employee quits or is terminated, or moves in a new internal position or changes shifts, you may need to create a job posting to fill the opening.

Have a job to fill? When you have an opening, follow these steps:

  1. Log into Paycom.
  2. Navigate to Talent Acquisition > Applicant Tracking > Create or Manage Requisitions.
  3. Click on the green “Create Requisition” button  (top right).


Next, complete the requisition details.

  1. IMPORTANT: Select “Position”, NOT Job Template, and click “Continue” when you see the Data Loss Message. We do not use Job Templates.
  2. Select items for each required field. Leave others blank. Here are some tips:
  •  Only request ONE (1) position per requisition.
  •  Primary Recruiter = the person who will screen applications.
  •  Hiring Manager = the person who will interview (even if they are not the true Hiring Manager)
  •  Reports To = the primary supervisor in Paycom.
  •  Use Additional Comments to tell Talent Arts if you need additional help with advertising the position.



  1. Click “Submit” and the requisition will be forwarded to Talent Arts for approval.
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