Creating a Job Requisition in Paycom

This is the universal system for managing employee training, performance, and discipline. Knowing how to use Paycom effectively can streamline your management of your team.

Creating a Requisition

Have a job to fill?

When you have an opening (someone quits or is terminated, or someone moves to a new job or changes shifts), follow these steps:

  1. Go to Paycom (Talent Acquisition > Applicant Tracking > Create or Manage Requisitions
  2. Click on the green “Create Requisition” button  (top right of your screen.)

Now it is time to complete the requisition details!

  1. IMPORTANT: Select POSITION, not Job Template and click “Continue” when you see the Data Loss Message. Make sure that Position is selected. If not, re-select Job Template, and then Position again. We do not use Job Templates.
  2. Select items for each required (red asterisk) field. Leave others blank. Here are some TIPS:
    •  Only request ONE (1) position per requisition, to help us with tracking.
    •  Primary Recruiter = the person who will screen applications.
    •  Hiring Manager = the person who will interview (even if they are not the true Hiring Manager)
    •  Reports To = The primary supervisor in Paycom.
    •  Use Additional Comments to tell HR if you need additional help with advertising.

FINALLY: CLICK “SUBMIT” and the requisition will be forwarded to HR for approval.

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